How You See Me, How You Don’t: Ruth Fox

Dates:8 February 2019 to 13 February 2019
Times:Friday 6pm to 8.30pm, Saturday to Tuesday 11am to 6pm, Wednesday 10am to 12noon

Exhibition Launch Event: Friday 8 February 2019 6pm to 8.30pm

In Ways Of Seeing, John Berger wrote, “The way we see things is affected by what we know or what we believe.”

Coinciding with a TEDx talk Ruth Fox gave in Nov ’18, How to Rebel Against Body Image Idealism, this new series of works explores how we see the body, both as a whole; translated through the figurative and in relation to the concept of body image, and in sections or fragments, close up and without a mirror;  translated through the abstract and magnified lines, shapes and contours of the body.

Ruth investigates the interplay between the figurative and the abstract, and representation and expression. There is a sense of uniting and fighting between the lines and contours in her work. Such is the relationship our minds have with our bodies, as both seek paths to recognition and connection.

Ruth Fox moved to Margate in May ’18 and works from her studio at home.  She has exhibited both in the UK and abroad and her TEDx talk is due to be published online this year.