1st – 6th april
11am to 5pm
redpenprint- line colour shape.
geometric screenprints and accsessories by Caroline Hoy
8th – 17th April
11am to 5pm
redpen photos
photographs by Clayton Irwin
18th – 27th April
11am to 5pm
redpen pop
pop-up shop
For more information about this exhibition, please callĀ 07946 474260
![Pie Factory Margate Caroline Hoy](https://piefactory.catapult.website/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/gallery-7-listings-caroline-hoy_wr.jpg)
![Pie Factory Margate Clayton Irwin untitled (Fort Lauderdale 2013)](https://piefactory.catapult.website/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/claytonIrwin_untitled-fort-lauderdale-2013_wr.jpg)