Vicissitudes: Peter Rhodes, Olivia Rhodes & Max Rhodes

Dates:11 July 2024 to 22 July 2024
Times:10.30am-5pm daily

Peter Rhodes

I am interested in the passage of time and how humanity is at war with itself about this passage. For some, tradition is a measure of fixing time, others look to the future and are racing to bring us to a new age.  This change of beliefs and the layering way in which the planet has its own cycle create a map of time that can be measured in the visual terms of decay and regrowth; atmospheric attacks on buildings, encroaching mudbanks of shorelines and flora on rocks all create this advancement.  All things must pass.
Peter Rhodes


Untitled, Peter Rhodes


Max Rhodes

My work has always been focused on points of change be they physical, astral or temporal. With this exhibition I hope to focus on the duality of change, the two sides of the coin. I feel this has always been essential to the human experience on how we relate to the world and how the world relates to us, more important than ever in this ever changing point of history.
Max Rhodes

Instagram: @maxrhodesabstracts

Behind the Future, 2023, Max Rhodes


Olivia Rhodes

Natural forms have been the subject of my focus: images that have a duality of form.  The articulation of a skeleton to the often flamboyant body coverings that make a solid sense of being. Reflected beings that can sometimes appear as more corporate than  the creature they are a reflection of.
Olivia Rhodes

Untitled, Olivia Rhodes