Ceramics and Paintings: Marilyn Williams, David C White and Steve Lobb

Dates:4 June 2021 to 15 June 2021
Times:Daily 10.30am - 5.30pm

Marilyn Williams, Ceramics and Paintings at Pie Factory MargateMarilyn Williams, Potter

I have been potting for over 30 years, mainly throwing on the wheel and firing in a gas kiln. During lockdown there has been a real opportunity to work outside my comfort zone within the medium of sculpture, which has been very exciting.  For this exhibition I have been making clay heads inspired by a Cambodian image of Prajnaparimata, the mother of all the Buddhas. And alongside, I have been exploring the form of bowls which can be seen as symbols of acceptance, compassion and emptiness.












David C White, CeramicistDavid White, Green Pot at Pie Factory Margate

David is a well known ceramicist exploring both sculpture and wheel thrown forms. His new pots, imbued with an intense love of nature, are wonderfully tactile and functional creations. His sculptural artworks have been created from drawings and studies in clay of the human form. They expressively suggest linear rhythms of movement, running like music through our bodies.








Stephen Lobb, Painter

aka Emile Sercombe, Poet.

Steve is a founder member of Greenwich Mural Workshop, creating celebrated murals in paint or mosaic for community and commerce, and banners for campaigns and unions. He is also a painter of landscapes, of floods and fires, of people on stairs, horses or trains, and in the street, sea or nature. Finally, fearful of our extinction, he exhibits pictures of The Greedy Bastards Party.